For tonight's brew, I elected to rebrew a blonde ale that I did last summer. That one turned out pretty nicely, and the warm summer months are approaching, so on we go again! I made a few minor modifications, partly to account for the efficiency of my equipment but also to use up some hops I had on-hand. Also, I switched yeast strains from US-05 to WLP001.
Summer Blonde Ale 1.1
- 9 lbs. 2-row malt (Great Western Malting Co.)
- 8 oz. 15° crystal malt
- 1.10 oz. Willamette hops pellets (5.2% alpha, 3.7% beta), 60 minute boil
- 1 tsp. Irish moss (10 minute boil)
- 1 pkg. California Ale Yeast (WLP001, prepared in 1L starter)
- I mashed in with 3.1 gallons of water at 160°. The temperature stabilized at 151°, was down to 148° after 35 minutes, and was down to 147° after 55 minutes.
- After 60 minutes, I added 1.25 gallons of water at 160° to the mash, let the mash sit for 10 minutes, vorlaufed, and collected 3.3 gallons of wort.
- Then, I added 3.1 gallons of water at 185°, which raised the mash bed to 168°. I let it sit for 10 minutes and vorlaufed.
- All told, I collected 6.6 gallons of wort with a gravity of 1.039. This works out to 74% mash efficiency.
- Once the wort came to a boil, I added the hops and boiled the mixture for 60 minutes. 10 minutes prior to flame-out, I added the Irish moss.
- After removing the kettle from the heat, I chilled the wort down to 70° and transferred all to the fermenter (aerating with the Venturi pump). I pitched the starter (which I had put together five days previous; cold-crashed for two days, and decanted spent wort leaving all but ~0.5 L yeast slurry).
- My starting gravity is 1.047, with 5 gallons of wort into the fermenter. I'll be fermenting at 65°.
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